# IP Tagger IP Tagger is a test [channel for Roku devices](https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/SceneGraph+Samples). It uses SceneGraph and the BrightScript language. # Getting the project At [git.dlma.com](https://git.dlma.com/roku_ip_tagger.git) click Download and select Download ZIP or Download TAR. If you're me, and you want to contribute to the repo, then you can clone it like so: git clone ssh://$USER@dlma.com/~/git/roku_ip_tagger.git # Building it [Ensure you can sideload a dev channel](https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/Loading+and+Running+Your+Application). Then see the "build\_systems" command in ip\_tagger.sublime-project to see how the channel is zipped and deployed. In the components directory, move the file "[settings.xml.sample](https://git.dlma.com/roku_ip_tagger.git/blob/main/components/settings.xml.sample)" to "settings.xml" and update its `url` and `auth` fields. It is convenient to set environment variables `$ROKU_DEV_TARGET` and `$DEVPASSWORD` in a local file ".env". For example: ROKU_DEV_TARGET= DEVPASSWORD=mooltipass ### CLI Running make will build and deploy if you have `$ROKU_DEV_TARGET` and `$DEVPASSWORD` set. make You can automatically make and deploy with each changed file with the following command: git ls-files | entr -c sh -c 'make all' ### VS Code VS Code can also use the Makefile with [VC Code Makefile Tools](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.makefile-tools). # Corresponding Server Code Here's [the corresponding server code](https://git.dlma.com/kvs.git/). # Is it any good? [Yes](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3067434). # Licence This software uses the [MIT license](https://git.dlma.com/roku_ip_tagger.git/blob/main/LICENSE.txt).