David Blume's GitList
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at 2024-03-06 22:50:15
if exists("g:loaded_gittab") || &cp | finish | endif let g:loaded_gittab = 1 "A helper function that tries to show a buffer if it already exists function! s:ShowBufInNewTab(bufname) let l:bnr = bufnr(a:bufname) if l:bnr > 0 tabnew exec 'buffer ' . l:bnr return 1 endif return 0 endfunction "A helper function that tries to show a buffer if it already exists function! s:ShowBufInNewSplit(bufname) let l:bnr = bufnr(a:bufname) if l:bnr > 0 " bo vne vne exec 'buffer ' . l:bnr return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:GitBlame(...) let l:hash = expand('<cword>') let l:currentView = winsaveview() let l:args = a:1 if strlen(l:args) " Add a space to the end let l:args = l:args . " " endif " If in a Blame window already, do blame for some prior commit if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' && stridx(expand('%'), ' -- ') != -1 let l:fname = split(expand('%'), ' -- ')[-1] let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . '^ -- ' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . '^ -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif else let l:fname = expand('%') let l:hash = '' " Show fnames will have ':' in them. if stridx(l:fname, ':') != -1 let l:fname_parts = split(l:fname, ':') let l:fname = l:fname_parts[-1] let l:hash = split(l:fname_parts[0], ' ')[-1] endif if strlen(l:hash) let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif else let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . '-- ' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . '-- ' . shellescape(l:fname) exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif endif endif 0d_ call winrestview(l:currentView) setl buftype=nofile endfunction command -nargs=* Blame :call s:GitBlame(<q-args>) function! s:GitShow(commit_or_file, ...) let l:fname = expand('%') let l:hash = expand('<cword>') if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' if stridx(l:fname, ' -- ') != -1 let l:fname = split(l:fname, ' -- ')[-1] endif let l:args = a:1 if strlen(l:args) " Add a space to the end let l:args = l:args . " " endif if a:commit_or_file != "file" let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) " Have Show show all the affected files, so don't actually use "--" " exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:hash . ' -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:args . l:hash " We lie here (' -- ') to have a filename the other git commands can use. exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif 0d_ else let l:currentView = winsaveview() let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:args . l:hash . ':' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:args. l:hash . ':' . shellescape(l:fname) exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif 0d_ call winrestview(l:currentView) endif setl buftype=nofile else echo l:hash . ' is not a git hash.' endif endfunction command -nargs=* Show :call s:GitShow("commit", <q-args>) command -nargs=* ShowFile :call s:GitShow("file", <q-args>) function! s:GitDiff() let l:fname = expand('%:.') let l:buf = winbufnr(0) let l:commit = 'HEAD' let l:hash = expand('<cword>') let l:currentView = winsaveview() " If the current word is a hash, then diff that vs. previous if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' && stridx(expand('%'), ' -- ') != -1 let l:fname = split(expand('%'), ' -- ')[-1] let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . '^:' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec ':tabnew | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . '^:$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) setl buftype=nofile 0d_ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . ':' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewSplit(l:bufname) exec 'vne | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) setl buftype=nofile exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) 0d_ endif elseif stridx(expand('%'), ':') != -1 " If we're in a 'git show' buffer, then extract fname and hash from there let l:fname_parts = split(l:fname, ':') let l:fname = l:fname_parts[-1] let l:hash = split(l:fname_parts[0], ' ')[-1] " TODO: Below few lines are identical to above, so remove dupes. let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . '^:' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec ':tabnew | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . '^:$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) setl buftype=nofile 0d_ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . ':' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewSplit(l:bufname) exec 'vne | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) setl buftype=nofile exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) 0d_ endif else " If the buffer is not different then repo, then diff HEAD vs file's previous commit let l:o = system("git status --porcelain | grep " . l:fname) if v:shell_error != 0 let l:commit = system('git log -2 --pretty=format:"%h" -- ' . l:fname . ' | tail -n 1') endif let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:commit . ':' . l:fname " Bug if l:filename includes ".." if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec ':tabnew | r! git show ' . l:commit . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . l:fname setl buftype=nofile 0d_ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif exec 'vert sb '.l:buf endif call winrestview(l:currentView) windo diffthis setl buftype=nofile wincmd r wincmd l endfunction command Diff :call s:GitDiff() function! s:GitLog(...) let l:fname = expand('%') if stridx(l:fname, ' -- ') != -1 let l:fname = split(l:fname, ' -- ')[-1] elseif stridx(l:fname, ':') != -1 let l:fname = split(l:fname, ':')[-1] endif let l:args = a:1 if strlen(l:args) " Add a space to the end let l:args = l:args . " " endif let l:bufname = 'git log ' . l:args . '-- ' . l:fname if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) exec 'tabnew | r! git log --no-color --graph --date=short ' . l:args . '--pretty="format:\%h \%ad \%s \%an \%d" -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) setl buftype=nofile 0d_ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) endif endfunction " Handy arguments are --all, --merges, --date-order, --first-parent, --ancestry-path command -nargs=* Log :call s:GitLog(<q-args>) " vim:set ft=vim sw=4 sts=4 et: