dblume commited on 2024-03-06 22:50:15
Showing 8 changed files, with 1005 additions and 12 deletions.
This is the first cut, and there will be multiple subsequent changes.
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
1 |
+" Vim color file |
2 |
+" Maintainer: Hans Fugal <hans@fugal.net> |
3 |
+" Last Change: $Date: 2004/06/13 19:30:30 $ |
4 |
+" Last Change: $Date: 2004/06/13 19:30:30 $ |
5 |
+" URL: http://hans.fugal.net/vim/colors/desert.vim |
6 |
+" Version: $Id: desert.vim,v 1.1 2004/06/13 19:30:30 vimboss Exp $ |
7 |
+ |
8 |
+" cool help screens |
9 |
+" :he group-name |
10 |
+" :he highlight-groups |
11 |
+" :he cterm-colors |
12 |
+ |
13 |
+set background=dark |
14 |
+if version > 580 |
15 |
+ " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop |
16 |
+ " complaining |
17 |
+ hi clear |
18 |
+ if exists("syntax_on") |
19 |
+ syntax reset |
20 |
+ endif |
21 |
+endif |
22 |
+let g:colors_name="desert" |
23 |
+ |
24 |
+hi Normal guifg=White guibg=grey20 |
25 |
+ |
26 |
+" highlight groups |
27 |
+hi Cursor guibg=khaki guifg=slategrey |
28 |
+"hi CursorIM |
29 |
+"hi Directory |
30 |
+"hi DiffAdd |
31 |
+"hi DiffChange |
32 |
+"hi DiffDelete |
33 |
+"hi DiffText |
34 |
+"hi ErrorMsg |
35 |
+hi VertSplit guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=grey50 gui=none |
36 |
+hi Folded guibg=grey30 guifg=gold |
37 |
+hi FoldColumn guibg=grey30 guifg=tan |
38 |
+hi IncSearch guifg=slategrey guibg=khaki |
39 |
+"hi LineNr |
40 |
+hi ModeMsg guifg=goldenrod |
41 |
+hi MoreMsg guifg=SeaGreen |
42 |
+hi NonText guifg=LightBlue guibg=grey30 |
43 |
+hi Question guifg=springgreen |
44 |
+hi Search guibg=peru guifg=wheat |
45 |
+hi SpecialKey guifg=yellowgreen |
46 |
+hi StatusLine guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=black gui=none |
47 |
+hi StatusLineNC guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=grey50 gui=none |
48 |
+hi Title guifg=indianred |
49 |
+hi Visual gui=none guifg=khaki guibg=olivedrab |
50 |
+"hi VisualNOS |
51 |
+hi WarningMsg guifg=salmon |
52 |
+"hi WildMenu |
53 |
+"hi Menu |
54 |
+"hi Scrollbar |
55 |
+"hi Tooltip |
56 |
+ |
57 |
+" syntax highlighting groups |
58 |
+hi Comment guifg=SkyBlue |
59 |
+hi Constant guifg=#ffa0a0 |
60 |
+hi Identifier guifg=palegreen |
61 |
+hi Statement guifg=khaki |
62 |
+hi PreProc guifg=indianred |
63 |
+hi Type guifg=darkkhaki |
64 |
+hi Special guifg=navajowhite |
65 |
+"hi Underlined |
66 |
+hi Ignore guifg=grey40 |
67 |
+"hi Error |
68 |
+hi Todo guifg=orangered guibg=yellow2 |
69 |
+ |
70 |
+" color terminal definitions |
71 |
+hi SpecialKey ctermfg=darkgreen |
72 |
+hi NonText cterm=bold ctermfg=darkblue |
73 |
+hi Directory ctermfg=darkcyan |
74 |
+hi ErrorMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1 |
75 |
+hi IncSearch cterm=NONE ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=green |
76 |
+hi Search cterm=NONE ctermfg=grey ctermbg=25 |
77 |
+hi MoreMsg ctermfg=darkgreen |
78 |
+hi ModeMsg cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown |
79 |
+hi LineNr ctermfg=3 |
80 |
+hi Question ctermfg=green |
81 |
+hi StatusLine cterm=bold,reverse |
82 |
+hi StatusLineNC cterm=reverse |
83 |
+hi VertSplit cterm=reverse |
84 |
+hi Title ctermfg=74 |
85 |
+hi Visual cterm=reverse |
86 |
+hi VisualNOS cterm=bold,underline |
87 |
+hi WarningMsg ctermfg=1 |
88 |
+hi WildMenu ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3 |
89 |
+hi Folded ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE |
90 |
+hi FoldColumn ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE |
91 |
+hi DiffAdd term=reverse ctermbg=28 ctermfg=254 |
92 |
+hi DiffChange term=reverse ctermbg=239 ctermfg=251 |
93 |
+hi DiffText term=reverse ctermbg=30 ctermfg=254 |
94 |
+hi DiffDelete term=reverse ctermbg=52 ctermfg=black |
95 |
+hi Comment ctermfg=darkcyan |
96 |
+hi Constant ctermfg=brown |
97 |
+hi Special ctermfg=74 |
98 |
+hi Identifier ctermfg=6 |
99 |
+hi Statement ctermfg=3 |
100 |
+hi PreProc ctermfg=74 |
101 |
+hi Type ctermfg=2 |
102 |
+hi Underlined cterm=underline ctermfg=74 |
103 |
+hi Ignore cterm=bold ctermfg=7 |
104 |
+hi Ignore ctermfg=darkgrey |
105 |
+hi Error cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1 |
106 |
+hi Pmenu ctermbg=33 ctermfg=235 |
107 |
+hi PmenuSel ctermbg=14 ctermfg=0 |
108 |
+hi TabLineSel ctermfg=white ctermbg=239 |
109 |
+hi TabLine ctermfg=247 ctermbg=237 |
110 |
+hi TabLineFill ctermfg=235 |
111 |
+ |
112 |
+ |
113 |
+"vim: sw=4 |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ |
1 |
+" Version 2024-03-06.1 - Original, with many bugs |
2 |
+set bs=2 " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode |
3 |
+set wildmenu " Allows command-line completion with tab |
4 |
+set autoindent " Copy indent from current line when starting a new line |
5 |
+set smartindent " Do smart auto indenting when starting new line |
6 |
+set smarttab " Honor 'shiftwidth', 'tabstop' or 'softtabstop' |
7 |
+set hlsearch " highlight all matches for previous search |
8 |
+set foldlevel=99 |
9 |
+set nowrap " no wrapping text lines on the screen (exceptions below) |
10 |
+set sidescroll=5 |
11 |
+set listchars+=tab:>-,precedes:<,extends:>,nbsp:· " for :set list |
12 |
+set iskeyword+=- " Add - to list of non-word-breaking chars. |
13 |
+set scrolloff=0 " EC2 defaults to 5. Set explicitly to be consistent |
14 |
+set notermguicolors " Only needed for neovim while I port my color schemes |
15 |
+ |
16 |
+if v:version >= 703 |
17 |
+ " Do save the undo tree to file, but not in the local directory. |
18 |
+ " Don't forget to mkdir ~/.nvim_undo |
19 |
+ set undodir=~/.nvim_undo,. |
20 |
+ set undofile " undo even after closing and reopening a file |
21 |
+endif |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+" The following two lines set the use of perl regex, aka "very magic" |
24 |
+nnoremap / /\v |
25 |
+vnoremap / /\v |
26 |
+ |
27 |
+" Make j and k move to the next row, not file line |
28 |
+nnoremap j gj |
29 |
+nnoremap k gk |
30 |
+ |
31 |
+" From Steve Losh: http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/10.html |
32 |
+" Map jk to ESC in insert mode (except when navigating popup menu) |
33 |
+inoremap <expr> jk pumvisible() ? '' : '<esc>' |
34 |
+inoremap <expr> j pumvisible() ? '<Down>' : 'j' |
35 |
+inoremap <expr> k pumvisible() ? '<Up>' : 'k' |
36 |
+ |
37 |
+" https://stevelosh.com/blog/2010/09/coming-home-to-vim/#s3-why-i-came-back-to-vim |
38 |
+nnoremap <leader>v <C-w>v<C-w>l |
39 |
+nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h |
40 |
+nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j |
41 |
+nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k |
42 |
+nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l |
43 |
+ |
44 |
+" clear search highlights |
45 |
+nnoremap <cr> :noh<cr><cr> |
46 |
+ |
47 |
+" tab switches to previous/next buffer |
48 |
+nnoremap <Tab> :bp<cr> |
49 |
+nnoremap <S-Tab> :bn<cr> |
50 |
+ |
51 |
+syntax on |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+set t_Co=256 |
54 |
+if v:version >= 703 |
55 |
+" set colorcolumn=80 |
56 |
+endif |
57 |
+if has('gui_running') " Didn't work: if &term != 'builtin_gui' |
58 |
+ " Light backgrounds for GUI experiences |
59 |
+ set background=light |
60 |
+ " colorscheme peaksea |
61 |
+ colorscheme tolerable |
62 |
+ if v:version >= 703 |
63 |
+ highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=255 guibg=#F6F6F6 |
64 |
+ endif |
65 |
+ highlight statusline ctermfg=17 ctermbg=Gray " override scheme |
66 |
+ highlight statuslineNC ctermfg=20 ctermbg=LightGray" override scheme |
67 |
+ if has('win32') |
68 |
+ set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono_for_Powerline:h10:cANSI:qDRAFT |
69 |
+ endif |
70 |
+ set lines=50 columns=100 |
71 |
+else |
72 |
+ " Dark backgrounds for tty experiences |
73 |
+ set background=dark |
74 |
+ colorscheme nvim_desert |
75 |
+ if v:version >= 703 |
76 |
+ highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=233 guibg=Black " dark gray (or 17, dark blue) |
77 |
+ endif |
78 |
+ highlight statusline ctermfg=24 ctermbg=250 " override scheme |
79 |
+ highlight statuslineNC ctermfg=236 ctermbg=Gray " override scheme |
80 |
+ highlight MatchParen term=reverse ctermbg=23 " 23 is more subtle than default |
81 |
+endif |
82 |
+ |
83 |
+au InsertEnter * hi statusline guibg=Cyan ctermfg=20 guifg=Black ctermbg=248 |
84 |
+au InsertLeave * hi statusline term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=24 ctermbg=250 guifg=black guibg=#c2bfa5 |
85 |
+ |
86 |
+" set mouse=v " visual mode, not working great for PuTTY |
87 |
+ |
88 |
+set tags=tags;/ |
89 |
+ |
90 |
+set history=50 |
91 |
+set laststatus=2 |
92 |
+ |
93 |
+function! StatuslineGit() |
94 |
+ let l:branchname = system("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n'") |
95 |
+ return strlen(l:branchname) > 0 ? ' | branch:'.l:branchname : '' |
96 |
+endfunction |
97 |
+ |
98 |
+function! Current_mode() |
99 |
+ let l:currentmode={ |
100 |
+ \ 'n' : 'NORMAL', |
101 |
+ \ 'v' : 'VISUAL', |
102 |
+ \ 'V' : 'V·LINE', |
103 |
+ \ '' : 'V·BLOCK', |
104 |
+ \ 's' : 'SELECT', |
105 |
+ \ 'S' : 'S·LINE', |
106 |
+ \ 'i' : 'INSERT', |
107 |
+ \ 'r' : 'I·REPLACE', |
108 |
+ \ 'R' : 'REPLACE', |
109 |
+ \ 'Rv' : 'V·REPLACE', |
110 |
+ \ 'c' : 'COMMAND', |
111 |
+ \} |
112 |
+ return get(l:currentmode, mode(), mode()) |
113 |
+endfunction |
114 |
+ |
115 |
+function! Trim_brackets(fn) |
116 |
+ if v:version > 800 |
117 |
+ return trim(a:fn, "[]") |
118 |
+ else |
119 |
+ return a:fn |
120 |
+ endif |
121 |
+endfunction |
122 |
+ |
123 |
+set statusline=\ %{Current_mode()} |
124 |
+set statusline+=%{&paste?'\ \ ·\ PASTE':''} |
125 |
+"set statusline+=%{StatuslineGit()} |
126 |
+set statusline+=\ │\ %f |
127 |
+set statusline+=%m |
128 |
+set statusline+=\ %r |
129 |
+set statusline+=\ %= |
130 |
+set statusline+=%h |
131 |
+set statusline+=\ %{Trim_brackets(&filetype)} |
132 |
+set statusline+=\ %#StatusLineNC# |
133 |
+set statusline+=\ %{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding} |
134 |
+set statusline+=\[%{&fileformat}\] |
135 |
+set statusline+=\ │\ %p%%\ = |
136 |
+set statusline+=\ %l/%L\ :\ %c\ |
137 |
+ |
138 |
+set encoding=utf-8 |
139 |
+ |
140 |
+" Fast saving |
141 |
+nmap <leader>w :w!<cr> |
142 |
+" I use relative number for cursor movement. |
143 |
+nmap <leader>r :set relativenumber!<cr> |
144 |
+nmap <leader>n :set number!<cr> |
145 |
+ |
146 |
+" Useful mappings for managing tabs |
147 |
+" Tab Previous: gT or C-PageUp |
148 |
+" Tab Next: gt or C-PageDown |
149 |
+nmap <leader>tn :tabnew |
150 |
+nmap <leader>to :tabonly<cr> |
151 |
+nmap <leader>tc :tabclose<cr> |
152 |
+nmap <leader>tm :tabmove |
153 |
+nmap <leader>1 1gt |
154 |
+nmap <leader>2 2gt |
155 |
+nmap <leader>3 3gt |
156 |
+nmap <leader>4 4gt |
157 |
+nmap <leader>5 5gt |
158 |
+nmap <leader>6 6gt |
159 |
+nmap <leader>7 7gt |
160 |
+nmap <leader>8 8gt |
161 |
+nmap <leader>9 9gt |
162 |
+ |
163 |
+" Open current buffer in new tab. Close with C-w,c |
164 |
+" https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Maximize_window_and_return_to_previous_split_structure |
165 |
+function! OpenCurrentAsNewTab() |
166 |
+ let l:currentView = winsaveview() |
167 |
+ tabedit % |
168 |
+ call winrestview(l:currentView) |
169 |
+endfunction |
170 |
+nmap <leader>o :call OpenCurrentAsNewTab()<CR> |
171 |
+ |
172 |
+" pastetoggle |
173 |
+nmap <leader>p :set invpaste paste?<cr> |
174 |
+ |
175 |
+" Control+p to paste onto next line |
176 |
+nmap <C-p> :pu<cr> |
177 |
+ |
178 |
+" Make netrw's Explore behave a little like NERDTreeToggle |
179 |
+" http://vimcasts.org/blog/2013/01/oil-and-vinegar-split-windows-and-project-drawer/ |
180 |
+function! ToggleNetrw() |
181 |
+ if bufwinnr("NetrwTreeListing") > 0 |
182 |
+ for i in range(1, bufnr("$")) |
183 |
+ if (getbufvar(i, "&filetype") == "netrw") |
184 |
+ silent exe "bwipeout " . i |
185 |
+ return |
186 |
+ endif |
187 |
+ endfor |
188 |
+ endif |
189 |
+ silent Vexplore %:p:h |
190 |
+endfunction |
191 |
+nmap <leader>e :call ToggleNetrw()<cr> |
192 |
+ |
193 |
+" install taglist |
194 |
+let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1 " Jump to taglist window on open |
195 |
+let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1 " if you are the last, kill yourself |
196 |
+let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 1 " Close taglist window on select |
197 |
+nmap <leader>l :TlistToggle<cr> |
198 |
+ |
199 |
+" install vim-bbye |
200 |
+nmap <leader>bd :Bdelete<cr> |
201 |
+ |
202 |
+" Visual mode mappings |
203 |
+""" |
204 |
+ |
205 |
+" map sort function to a key |
206 |
+vnoremap <leader>s :sort<cr> |
207 |
+ |
208 |
+"easier moving of code blocks |
209 |
+vnoremap < <gv |
210 |
+vnoremap > >gv |
211 |
+ |
212 |
+" If too many file system events are getting triggered. |
213 |
+set nobackup " ~ files |
214 |
+set nowritebackup " Don't write buff to temp, delete orig, rename temp to orig |
215 |
+set noswapfile " .swp files |
216 |
+ |
217 |
+" Allow tags to open another buffer even if this one is modified |
218 |
+set hidden |
219 |
+ |
220 |
+" Switch between source and header files |
221 |
+function! SwitchSourceHeader() |
222 |
+ let s:ext = expand("%:e") |
223 |
+ let s:base = expand("%:t:r") |
224 |
+ let s:cmd = "find " . s:base |
225 |
+ if (s:ext == "cpp" || s:ext == "c") |
226 |
+ if findfile(s:base . ".h" ) != "" | exe s:cmd . ".h" | return | en |
227 |
+ if findfile(s:base . ".hpp") != "" | exe s:cmd . ".hpp" | return | en |
228 |
+ else |
229 |
+ if findfile(s:base . ".cpp") != "" | exe s:cmd . ".cpp" | return | en |
230 |
+ if findfile(s:base . ".c" ) != "" | exe s:cmd . ".c" | return | en |
231 |
+ endif |
232 |
+endfunc |
233 |
+ |
234 |
+" Demonstrates a way to look in a mirror directory |
235 |
+" function! OpenOther() |
236 |
+" if expand("%:e") == "cpp" |
237 |
+" exe "split" fnameescape(expand("%:p:r:s?src?include?").".h") |
238 |
+" elseif expand("%:e") == "h" |
239 |
+" exe "split" fnameescape(expand("%:p:r:s?include?src?").".cpp") |
240 |
+" endif |
241 |
+" endfunc |
242 |
+ |
243 |
+" Delete trailing white space on save, useful for Python and CoffeeScript ;) |
244 |
+function! DeleteTrailingWS() |
245 |
+ exe "normal mz" |
246 |
+ %s/\s\+$//ge |
247 |
+ exe "normal `z" |
248 |
+endfunc |
249 |
+ |
250 |
+function! OpenInOtherWindow() |
251 |
+ if winnr('$') == 1 |
252 |
+ exe "wincmd F" |
253 |
+ else |
254 |
+ let curNum = winnr() |
255 |
+ let oldBuf = bufnr( "%" ) |
256 |
+ if curNum == 1 |
257 |
+ let othNum = 2 |
258 |
+ else |
259 |
+ let othNum = 1 |
260 |
+ endif |
261 |
+ exe "normal! gF" |
262 |
+ let newBuf = bufnr( "%" ) |
263 |
+ let newLine = line(".") |
264 |
+ exe 'hide buf' oldBuf |
265 |
+ exe othNum . "wincmd w" |
266 |
+ exe 'hide buf' newBuf |
267 |
+ exe "normal! " . newLine . "G" |
268 |
+ endif |
269 |
+endfunc |
270 |
+ |
271 |
+nmap <silent> <leader>F :call OpenInOtherWindow()<cr> |
272 |
+nmap <silent> <leader>f :call OpenInOtherWindow()<cr> |
273 |
+ |
274 |
+if has("autocmd") |
275 |
+ autocmd BufWrite *.py :call DeleteTrailingWS() " Delete trailing whitespace |
276 |
+ " Don't let smartindent unindent the # character in Python files |
277 |
+ autocmd FileType python inoremap # X<c-h># |
278 |
+ autocmd FileType python,c,cpp,php,brs,sh set expandtab " Use spaces instead of tabs |
279 |
+ autocmd Filetype make setl noexpandtab " ...not for files that use tabs. |
280 |
+ |
281 |
+ " Use the vim command %retab before applying the following |
282 |
+ " two with files that have 8-space tabs. |
283 |
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp,python,php set tabstop=4 |
284 |
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp,php set shiftwidth=4 |
285 |
+ |
286 |
+ autocmd FileType python set foldmethod=indent " 'za' to fold |
287 |
+ |
288 |
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp nmap <buffer> <leader>s :call SwitchSourceHeader()<cr> |
289 |
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp set foldmethod=syntax |
290 |
+ |
291 |
+ if v:version >= 703 |
292 |
+ " I toggle out of relative number when Vim's focus is lost, because |
293 |
+ " if I'm not editing, then I may be referring to errors with line numbers. |
294 |
+ autocmd FocusLost * if &relativenumber | set number | endif |
295 |
+ autocmd FocusGained * if &number | set relativenumber | endif |
296 |
+ endif |
297 |
+ |
298 |
+ autocmd BufRead *.txt set wrap linebreak " "soft" wrap of existing lines |
299 |
+ autocmd BufRead README set wrap linebreak " "soft" wrap of existing lines |
300 |
+ autocmd BufRead *.rs :setlocal tags=./rusty-tags.vi;/ |
301 |
+ |
302 |
+ " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position |
303 |
+ autocmd BufReadPost * |
304 |
+ \ if &ft != "p4changelist" && &ft != "gitcommit" && line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") | |
305 |
+ \ exe "normal! g'\"" | |
306 |
+ \ endif |
307 |
+endif |
308 |
+ |
309 |
+" This requires vim to be compiled with +python |
310 |
+" Use auto complete in insert mode with ctrl-x, ctrl-o |
311 |
+" See :help new-omni-completion for more. |
312 |
+filetype plugin on |
313 |
+set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
314 |
+ |
315 |
+" Torn on whether I like the omni completion preview window left open or not. |
316 |
+" autocmd CompleteDone * pclose |
317 |
+ |
318 |
+" Omni completion via ctrl-space (in addition to ctrl-x ctrl-o) |
319 |
+inoremap <Nul> <C-x><C-o> |
320 |
+ |
321 |
+" cscope |
322 |
+if has("cscope") |
323 |
+ set cscopetag " Use both cscope and ctag for 'ctrl-]' |
324 |
+ set csto=1 " 0=cscope first; 1=ctags first |
325 |
+ set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-,a- " cscope to quickfix window |
326 |
+ |
327 |
+ set nocsverb |
328 |
+ " add any database in current directory |
329 |
+ if filereadable("cscope.out") |
330 |
+ cs add cscope.out |
331 |
+ " else add database pointed to by environment |
332 |
+ elseif $CSCOPE_DB != "" |
333 |
+ cs add $CSCOPE_DB |
334 |
+ endif |
335 |
+ set csverb |
336 |
+endif |
337 |
+ |
338 |
+" From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15393301/how-to-automatically-sort-quickfix-entries-by-line-text-in-vim |
339 |
+" :grep term % |
340 |
+" :grep -r term path/ |
341 |
+" :cw |
342 |
+" :ccl (or C-w,q) |
343 |
+autocmd! QuickfixCmdPost * call MaybeSortQuickfix('QfStrCmp') |
344 |
+ |
345 |
+function! MaybeSortQuickfix(fn) |
346 |
+" exe 'normal! ' " Doesn't work. Wanted to jump back to where we were. |
347 |
+ let t = getqflist({'title': 1}).title |
348 |
+ " Only sort the files if for search-style commands, not "make". |
349 |
+ if stridx(t, "cs ") == 0 || stridx(t, ":gr") == 0 || stridx(t, ":vim") == 0 || stridx(t, ":rg") == 0 |
350 |
+ call setqflist(sort(getqflist(), a:fn), 'r') |
351 |
+ call setqflist([], 'r', {'title': t}) |
352 |
+ endif |
353 |
+ cwindow |
354 |
+endfunction |
355 |
+ |
356 |
+function! QfStrCmp(e1, e2) |
357 |
+ let [t1, t2] = [bufname(a:e1.bufnr), bufname(a:e2.bufnr)] |
358 |
+ return t1 <# t2 ? -1 : t1 ==# t2 ? 0 : 1 |
359 |
+endfunction |
360 |
+ |
361 |
+" Use ripgrep for search instead of grep |
362 |
+if executable('rg') |
363 |
+ " set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep\ --hidden\ —glob '!.git' |
364 |
+ set grepprg=rg |
365 |
+endif |
366 |
+" Navigate quickfix list with ease |
367 |
+nnoremap <silent> [q :cprevious<CR> |
368 |
+nnoremap <silent> ]q :cnext<CR> |
369 |
+ |
370 |
+" I use Roboto Mono from https://github.com/powerline/fonts |
371 |
+" On iTerm2, Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Font |
372 |
+" Cygwin64 won't let you choose it. Launch Cygwin64 as follows: |
373 |
+" C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -o Font="Roboto Mono for Powerline" - |
374 |
+ |
375 |
+" Settings that make netrw more like NERDTree |
376 |
+let g:netrw_banner = 0 |
377 |
+let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 |
378 |
+let g:netrw_browse_split = 4 |
379 |
+let g:netrw_altv = 1 |
380 |
+" set g:netrw_winsize to negative for absolute width, positive for relative |
381 |
+let g:netrw_winsize = -36 |
382 |
+" let g:netrw_winsize = 35 |
383 |
+" sort is affecting only: directories on the top, files below |
384 |
+let g:netrw_sort_sequence = '[\/]$,*' |
385 |
+ |
386 |
+" Experimenting with vim-rooter |
387 |
+let g:rooter_patterns = ['.git', 'Makefile', 'builds/'] |
388 |
+let g:rooter_cd_cmd = 'lcd' |
389 |
+let g:rooter_manual_only = 1 |
390 |
+ |
391 |
+" In some environments, Vim starts in replace mode: |
392 |
+" https://superuser.com/questions/1284561/why-is-vim-starting-in-replace-mode |
393 |
+" set t_u7= |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
1 |
+Copyright (c) 2023, David Blume |
2 |
+ |
3 |
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining |
4 |
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), |
5 |
+to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation |
6 |
+the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, |
7 |
+and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the |
8 |
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
9 |
+ |
10 |
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included |
11 |
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
12 |
+ |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
1 |
+[](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dblume/gittab/main/LICENSE) |
2 |
+ |
3 |
+ |
4 |
+## Vim Git-Tab |
5 |
+ |
6 |
+These are handy context-sensitive Git commands in Vim that load the results in |
7 |
+a new tab. The commands infer what you want from the current filename and |
8 |
+whether there's a commit hash under the cursor. |
9 |
+ |
10 |
+These commands are for investigating the history of files. They are: |
11 |
+ |
12 |
+* `Blame` |
13 |
+* `Log` |
14 |
+* `Show` and `ShowFile` |
15 |
+* `Diff` |
16 |
+ |
17 |
+This simple plugin is enough to do 95% of the Git dives I do. If you still want |
18 |
+to do even more with Git while in Vim, consider Tim Pope's comprehensive |
19 |
+[vim-fugitive](https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive). |
20 |
+ |
21 |
+## Installation |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+Install into Vim's built-in package support: |
24 |
+ |
25 |
+ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start |
26 |
+ cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start |
27 |
+ git clone --filter=blob:none -b main --single-branch https://github.com/dblume/gittab |
28 |
+ vim -u NONE -c "helptags gittab/doc" -c q |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ |
31 |
+## Common Use Example |
32 |
+ |
33 |
+Say you're on "index.html", and you need to know why a section looks the way |
34 |
+it does. Run `:Blame` to see a buffer of "git blame" open at the same line |
35 |
+where you are so you don't lose any context. |
36 |
+ |
37 |
+Or run `:Log` to see a list of only the commits that _affect that file_. This |
38 |
+is nice in a repo of thousands of commits, but only dozens are to this file. |
39 |
+ |
40 |
+If you see a commit of interest, move the cursor over it, and type `:Diff` to |
41 |
+see what changes were made by that commit, or `:Show` to see the full commit |
42 |
+description. |
43 |
+ |
44 |
+Then you can keep exploring, and each command infers what you want by which |
45 |
+type of buffer you're in or what commit your cursor is on. |
46 |
+ |
47 |
+ |
48 |
+## The Commands |
49 |
+ |
50 |
+When you're browsing a file in a Git repository, these commands provide a very |
51 |
+simple and convenient flow for digging into their history. |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+All you have to know is Blame, Log, Show, and Diff. |
54 |
+ |
55 |
+The following image is an oversimplification, but shows that with the above |
56 |
+four commands, one can easily and quickly navigate various views of a file and |
57 |
+its commit history. |
58 |
+ |
59 |
+ |
60 |
+ |
61 |
+### :Blame |
62 |
+ |
63 |
+When you're on a regular file or a `:ShowFile` buffer, opens up a `git blame` |
64 |
+buffer in a new tab and positions the cursor at the same relative spot in the |
65 |
+Blame buffer. |
66 |
+ |
67 |
+Example, run Blame on a `:ShowFile` buffer named "git show 1234abcd:README.md", |
68 |
+and you get a `:Blame` buffer named "git blame 1234abcd -- README.md". |
69 |
+ |
70 |
+### :Log |
71 |
+ |
72 |
+When you're on a regular file or a `:ShowFile` buffer, opens up a `git log` |
73 |
+buffer in a new tab for the commits that _affect only that file_. By default, |
74 |
+runs log as: |
75 |
+ |
76 |
+ git log --no-color --graph --date=short --pretty="format:%h %ad %s %an %d" |
77 |
+ |
78 |
+And you can pass in additional Git arguments like `--all`. |
79 |
+ |
80 |
+ :Log --all |
81 |
+ |
82 |
+The reason Log defaults to one-line logs is because `:Show` and `:Diff` are so |
83 |
+easy to use to dive in deeper to the individual commits. |
84 |
+ |
85 |
+Handy arguments are `--all`, `--merges`, `--date-order`, `--first-parent`, and |
86 |
+`--ancestry-path`. |
87 |
+ |
88 |
+### :Show and :ShowFile |
89 |
+ |
90 |
+These require the cursor to be positioned on a hash, so you'd most likely be |
91 |
+in a `:Log` or `:Blame` buffer when you want to use these commands. |
92 |
+ |
93 |
+When you're on a `:Log` or `:Blame` buffer **`:Show`** opens a buffer in a |
94 |
+new tab that shows the full commit message for the hash under the cursor. |
95 |
+ |
96 |
+**`:ShowFile`** opens a buffer in a new tab that shows the contents of the file |
97 |
+at the hash under the cursor. |
98 |
+ |
99 |
+Ex., If the cursor is on "1234abcd" on `:Blame` buffer `git blame -- README.md` |
100 |
+then: |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+| Command | Resultant Buffer | |
103 |
+| --- | --- | |
104 |
+| :Show | git show 1234abcd -- README.md | |
105 |
+| :ShowFile | git show 1234abcd:README.md | |
106 |
+ |
107 |
+### :Diff |
108 |
+ |
109 |
+If you're on a regular file that's different from HEAD, `:Diff` will perform a |
110 |
+`git diff` on the file from HEAD. If it's the same as HEAD, then `:Diff` will |
111 |
+perform a `git diff` against that file's previous commit. |
112 |
+ |
113 |
+If the cursor is on a commit hash (as available on :Blame, :Log, and :Show |
114 |
+buffers), then `:Diff` will perform a diff against the previous commit to that |
115 |
+one. |
116 |
+ |
117 |
+If the active window is of a `:Diff` buffer, then `:Diff` will perform a |
118 |
+`git diff` of that buffer with that revision's parent. |
119 |
+ |
120 |
+## Is it any good? |
121 |
+ |
122 |
+[Yes](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3067434). |
123 |
+ |
124 |
+The diagram was made with [Excalidraw](https://excalidraw.com/). |
125 |
+ |
126 |
+## Licence |
127 |
+ |
128 |
+This software uses the [MIT License](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dblume/gittab/main/LICENSE.txt) |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
1 |
+*gittab.txt* Plugin that provides simple Git functions in Vim |
2 |
+ |
3 |
+ _______ __ ______ __ |
4 |
+ / ____(_) /_ /_ __/___ _/ /_ |
5 |
+ / / __/ / __/ / / / __ `/ __ \ |
6 |
+ / /_/ / / /_ / / / /_/ / /_/ / |
7 |
+ \____/_/\__/ /_/ \__,_/_.___/ |
8 |
+ |
9 |
+============================================================================== |
10 |
+Gittab |gittab| |
11 |
+Introduction ........................................... |gittab-introduction| |
12 |
+Commands ................................................... |gittab-commands| |
13 |
+ :Blame ............................................................ |:Blame| |
14 |
+ :Log ................................................................ |:Log| |
15 |
+ :Show .............................................................. |:Show| |
16 |
+ :ShowFile ...................................................... |:ShowFile| |
17 |
+ :Diff .............................................................. :|Diff| |
18 |
+ |
19 |
+ |
20 |
+============================================================================== |
21 |
+Introduction *gittab* *gittab-introduction* |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+These are handy context-sensitive Git commands in Vim that load the results in |
24 |
+a new tab. The commands automatically infer what you want from the current |
25 |
+filename and whether there's a commit hash under the cursor. |
26 |
+ |
27 |
+These commands are for investigating the history of files. The supported |
28 |
+commands are: |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ :Blame |
31 |
+ :Log |
32 |
+ :Show and :ShowFile |
33 |
+ :Diff |
34 |
+ |
35 |
+When you're browsing a file in a Git repository, these commands provide a very |
36 |
+simple and convenient flow for digging into their history. |
37 |
+ |
38 |
+All you have to know is Blame, Log, Show, and Diff. |
39 |
+ |
40 |
+============================================================================== |
41 |
+The Commands *gittab-commands* |
42 |
+ |
43 |
+:Blame *:Blame* |
44 |
+------ |
45 |
+ |
46 |
+When you're on a regular file or a `:ShowFile` buffer, opens up a "git blame" |
47 |
+buffer in a new tab for the file at that commit, and positions the |
48 |
+cursor at the same relative spot. |
49 |
+ |
50 |
+Example, run Blame on a `:ShowFile` buffer named "git show 1234abcd:README.md", |
51 |
+and you get a `:Blame` buffer named "git blame 1234abcd -- README.md". |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+:Log {args} *:Log* |
54 |
+----------- |
55 |
+ |
56 |
+When you're on a regular file or a `:ShowFile` buffer, opens up a git log |
57 |
+buffer in a new tab. By default, runs log as: |
58 |
+ |
59 |
+ git log --no-color --graph --date=short --pretty="format:%h %ad %s %an %d" |
60 |
+ |
61 |
+And you can pass in additional Git arguments like --all. |
62 |
+ |
63 |
+ :Log --all |
64 |
+ |
65 |
+The reason Log defaults to one-line logs is because `:Show` and `:Diff` are so |
66 |
+easy to use to dive in deeper to the individual commits. |
67 |
+ |
68 |
+Handy arguments are --all, --merges, --date-order, --first-parent, and |
69 |
+--ancestry-path. |
70 |
+ |
71 |
+:Show *:Show* |
72 |
+----- |
73 |
+ |
74 |
+These require the cursor to be positioned on a hash, so you'd most likely be |
75 |
+in a `:Log` or `:Blame` buffer when you want to use these commands. |
76 |
+ |
77 |
+When you're on a `:Blame` buffer, a `:Log` buffer, `:Show` opens a |
78 |
+buffer in a new tab that shows the full commit message for the hash under the |
79 |
+cursor. |
80 |
+ |
81 |
+:ShowFile *:ShowFile* |
82 |
+--------- |
83 |
+ |
84 |
+`:ShowFile` opens a buffer in a new tab that shows the contents of the file |
85 |
+at the hash under the cursor. |
86 |
+ |
87 |
+Ex., If the cursor is on "1234abcd" on `:Blame` buffer "git blame -- README.md" |
88 |
+then: |
89 |
+ |
90 |
+| Command | Resultant Buffer | |
91 |
+| --- | --- | |
92 |
+| :Show | git show 1234abcd -- README.md | |
93 |
+| :ShowFile | git show 1234abcd:README.md | |
94 |
+ |
95 |
+:Diff *:Diff* |
96 |
+----- |
97 |
+ |
98 |
+If you're on a regular file that's different from HEAD, `:Diff` will perform a |
99 |
+`git diff` on the file from HEAD. If it's the same as HEAD, then `:Diff` will |
100 |
+perform a `git diff` against that file's previous commit. |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+If the cursor is on a commit hash (as available on :Blame, :Log, and :Show |
103 |
+buffers), then `:Diff` will perform a diff against the previous commit to that |
104 |
+one. |
105 |
+ |
106 |
+============================================================================== |
107 |
+vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:ft=help:norl: |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
1 |
+if exists("g:loaded_gittab") || &cp | finish | endif |
2 |
+let g:loaded_gittab = 1 |
3 |
+ |
4 |
+"A helper function that tries to show a buffer if it already exists |
5 |
+function! s:ShowBufInNewTab(bufname) |
6 |
+ let l:bnr = bufnr(a:bufname) |
7 |
+ if l:bnr > 0 |
8 |
+ tabnew |
9 |
+ exec 'buffer ' . l:bnr |
10 |
+ return 1 |
11 |
+ endif |
12 |
+ return 0 |
13 |
+endfunction |
14 |
+ |
15 |
+"A helper function that tries to show a buffer if it already exists |
16 |
+function! s:ShowBufInNewSplit(bufname) |
17 |
+ let l:bnr = bufnr(a:bufname) |
18 |
+ if l:bnr > 0 |
19 |
+" bo vne |
20 |
+ vne |
21 |
+ exec 'buffer ' . l:bnr |
22 |
+ return 1 |
23 |
+ endif |
24 |
+ return 0 |
25 |
+endfunction |
26 |
+ |
27 |
+function! s:GitBlame(...) |
28 |
+ let l:hash = expand('<cword>') |
29 |
+ let l:currentView = winsaveview() |
30 |
+ let l:args = a:1 |
31 |
+ if strlen(l:args) |
32 |
+ " Add a space to the end |
33 |
+ let l:args = l:args . " " |
34 |
+ endif |
35 |
+ " If in a Blame window already, do blame for some prior commit |
36 |
+ if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' && stridx(expand('%'), ' -- ') != -1 |
37 |
+ let l:fname = split(expand('%'), ' -- ')[-1] |
38 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . '^ -- ' . l:fname |
39 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
40 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . '^ -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
41 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
42 |
+ endif |
43 |
+ else |
44 |
+ let l:fname = expand('%') |
45 |
+ let l:hash = '' |
46 |
+ " Show fnames will have ':' in them. |
47 |
+ if stridx(l:fname, ':') != -1 |
48 |
+ let l:fname_parts = split(l:fname, ':') |
49 |
+ let l:fname = l:fname_parts[-1] |
50 |
+ let l:hash = split(l:fname_parts[0], ' ')[-1] |
51 |
+ endif |
52 |
+ if strlen(l:hash) |
53 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . l:fname |
54 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
55 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
56 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
57 |
+ endif |
58 |
+ else |
59 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git blame ' . l:args . '-- ' . l:fname |
60 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
61 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git blame ' . l:args . '-- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
62 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
63 |
+ endif |
64 |
+ endif |
65 |
+ endif |
66 |
+ 0d_ |
67 |
+ call winrestview(l:currentView) |
68 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
69 |
+endfunction |
70 |
+command -nargs=* Blame :call s:GitBlame(<q-args>) |
71 |
+ |
72 |
+function! s:GitShow(commit_or_file, ...) |
73 |
+ let l:fname = expand('%') |
74 |
+ let l:hash = expand('<cword>') |
75 |
+ if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' |
76 |
+ if stridx(l:fname, ' -- ') != -1 |
77 |
+ let l:fname = split(l:fname, ' -- ')[-1] |
78 |
+ endif |
79 |
+ let l:args = a:1 |
80 |
+ if strlen(l:args) |
81 |
+ " Add a space to the end |
82 |
+ let l:args = l:args . " " |
83 |
+ endif |
84 |
+ if a:commit_or_file != "file" |
85 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:args . l:hash . ' -- ' . l:fname |
86 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
87 |
+ " Have Show show all the affected files, so don't actually use "--" |
88 |
+ " exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:hash . ' -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
89 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:args . l:hash |
90 |
+ " We lie here (' -- ') to have a filename the other git commands can use. |
91 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
92 |
+ endif |
93 |
+ 0d_ |
94 |
+ else |
95 |
+ let l:currentView = winsaveview() |
96 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:args . l:hash . ':' . l:fname |
97 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
98 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git show ' . l:args. l:hash . ':' . shellescape(l:fname) |
99 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
100 |
+ endif |
101 |
+ 0d_ |
102 |
+ call winrestview(l:currentView) |
103 |
+ endif |
104 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
105 |
+ else |
106 |
+ echo l:hash . ' is not a git hash.' |
107 |
+ endif |
108 |
+endfunction |
109 |
+command -nargs=* Show :call s:GitShow("commit", <q-args>) |
110 |
+command -nargs=* ShowFile :call s:GitShow("file", <q-args>) |
111 |
+ |
112 |
+function! s:GitDiff() |
113 |
+ let l:fname = expand('%:.') |
114 |
+ let l:buf = winbufnr(0) |
115 |
+ let l:commit = 'HEAD' |
116 |
+ let l:hash = expand('<cword>') |
117 |
+ let l:currentView = winsaveview() |
118 |
+ |
119 |
+ " If the current word is a hash, then diff that vs. previous |
120 |
+ if l:hash =~ '^[0-9a-f]\{7,40}$' && stridx(expand('%'), ' -- ') != -1 |
121 |
+ let l:fname = split(expand('%'), ' -- ')[-1] |
122 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . '^:' . l:fname |
123 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
124 |
+ exec ':tabnew | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . '^:$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) |
125 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
126 |
+ 0d_ |
127 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
128 |
+ endif |
129 |
+ |
130 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . ':' . l:fname |
131 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewSplit(l:bufname) |
132 |
+ exec 'vne | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) |
133 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
134 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
135 |
+ 0d_ |
136 |
+ endif |
137 |
+ elseif stridx(expand('%'), ':') != -1 |
138 |
+ " If we're in a 'git show' buffer, then extract fname and hash from there |
139 |
+ let l:fname_parts = split(l:fname, ':') |
140 |
+ let l:fname = l:fname_parts[-1] |
141 |
+ let l:hash = split(l:fname_parts[0], ' ')[-1] |
142 |
+ " TODO: Below few lines are identical to above, so remove dupes. |
143 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . '^:' . l:fname |
144 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
145 |
+ exec ':tabnew | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . '^:$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) |
146 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
147 |
+ 0d_ |
148 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
149 |
+ endif |
150 |
+ |
151 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:hash . ':' . l:fname |
152 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewSplit(l:bufname) |
153 |
+ exec 'vne | silent r! git show ' . l:hash . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . shellescape(l:fname) |
154 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
155 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
156 |
+ 0d_ |
157 |
+ endif |
158 |
+ else |
159 |
+ " If the buffer is not different then repo, then diff HEAD vs file's previous commit |
160 |
+ let l:o = system("git status --porcelain | grep " . l:fname) |
161 |
+ if v:shell_error != 0 |
162 |
+ let l:commit = system('git log -2 --pretty=format:"%h" -- ' . l:fname . ' | tail -n 1') |
163 |
+ endif |
164 |
+ |
165 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git show ' . l:commit . ':' . l:fname |
166 |
+ " Bug if l:filename includes ".." |
167 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
168 |
+ exec ':tabnew | r! git show ' . l:commit . ':$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)' . l:fname |
169 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
170 |
+ 0d_ |
171 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
172 |
+ endif |
173 |
+ exec 'vert sb '.l:buf |
174 |
+ endif |
175 |
+ call winrestview(l:currentView) |
176 |
+ windo diffthis |
177 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
178 |
+ wincmd r |
179 |
+ wincmd l |
180 |
+endfunction |
181 |
+command Diff :call s:GitDiff() |
182 |
+ |
183 |
+function! s:GitLog(...) |
184 |
+ let l:fname = expand('%') |
185 |
+ if stridx(l:fname, ' -- ') != -1 |
186 |
+ let l:fname = split(l:fname, ' -- ')[-1] |
187 |
+ elseif stridx(l:fname, ':') != -1 |
188 |
+ let l:fname = split(l:fname, ':')[-1] |
189 |
+ endif |
190 |
+ let l:args = a:1 |
191 |
+ if strlen(l:args) |
192 |
+ " Add a space to the end |
193 |
+ let l:args = l:args . " " |
194 |
+ endif |
195 |
+ let l:bufname = 'git log ' . l:args . '-- ' . l:fname |
196 |
+ if !s:ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
197 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git log --no-color --graph --date=short ' . l:args . '--pretty="format:\%h \%ad \%s \%an \%d" -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
198 |
+ setl buftype=nofile |
199 |
+ 0d_ |
200 |
+ exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
201 |
+ endif |
202 |
+endfunction |
203 |
+ |
204 |
+" Handy arguments are --all, --merges, --date-order, --first-parent, --ancestry-path |
205 |
+command -nargs=* Log :call s:GitLog(<q-args>) |
206 |
+ |
207 |
+" vim:set ft=vim sw=4 sts=4 et: |
... | ... |
@@ -47,16 +47,21 @@ See [config.dlma.com](http://config.dlma.com) for more. |
47 | 47 |
4. [visual-star-search](http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/07/vim-pr0n-visual-search-mappings.html), so * and # work in visual mode too. |
48 | 48 |
5. [git-tab](https://github.com/dblume/gittab), use integrated context-sensitive git commands |
49 | 49 |
6. Assorted favorite colors like [desert](https://github.com/dblume/desert.vim). |
50 |
-3. .gitconfig and .gitignore |
51 |
-4. .tmux.conf |
52 |
-5. .inputrc, for vi mode and a [partially matched command history traversal](http://askubuntu.com/questions/59846/bash-history-search-partial-up-arrow/59855#59855). |
53 |
-6. .editrc, for vi mode and tab word completion in macOS. |
54 |
-7. .ssh/config, for a [fix for CVE-2016-0777](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10901588). (Or upgrade to OpenSSH 7.1p2 released Jan 14, 2016 from http://www.openssh.com.) |
55 |
-8. .ripgreprc, for ripgrep, or [rg](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/). |
56 |
-9. .gdbinit |
57 |
-10. .visidatarc, to hide [visidata's](https://www.visidata.org/) menu at the top, for the old school UI. |
58 |
-11. .config/gitui/key\_bindings.ron, for vim key bindings in [gitui](https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui). |
59 |
-11. [i3](https://i3wm.org/) configs. |
50 |
+3. Neovim resources |
51 |
+ 1. .config/nvim/init.vim |
52 |
+ 2. An empty .nvim\_undo directory |
53 |
+ 3. .config/nvim/colors/nvim\_desert.vim |
54 |
+ 4. .local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ plugins |
55 |
+4. .gitconfig and .gitignore |
56 |
+5. .tmux.conf |
57 |
+6. .inputrc, for vi mode and a [partially matched command history traversal](http://askubuntu.com/questions/59846/bash-history-search-partial-up-arrow/59855#59855). |
58 |
+7. .editrc, for vi mode and tab word completion in macOS. |
59 |
+8. .ssh/config, for a [fix for CVE-2016-0777](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10901588). (Or upgrade to OpenSSH 7.1p2 released Jan 14, 2016 from http://www.openssh.com.) |
60 |
+9. .ripgreprc, for ripgrep, or [rg](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/). |
61 |
+10. .gdbinit |
62 |
+11. .visidatarc, to hide [visidata's](https://www.visidata.org/) menu at the top, for the old school UI. |
63 |
+12. .config/gitui/key\_bindings.ron, for vim key bindings in [gitui](https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui). |
64 |
+13. [i3](https://i3wm.org/) configs. |
60 | 65 |
61 | 66 |
#### Optional manual steps for fresh setups |
62 | 67 |
... | ... |
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ declare -a dotfiles=(".bashrc" ".bash_profile" ".vimrc" ".editrc" ".gitconfig" |
7 | 7 |
".gitignore" ".inputrc" ".tmux.conf" ".ssh/config" ".ripgreprc" |
8 | 8 |
".gdbinit" ".config/gitui/key_bindings.ron" ".visidatarc" |
9 | 9 |
".config/i3/config" ".config/i3status/config" |
10 |
- ".config/dunst/dunstrc") |
10 |
+ ".config/dunst/dunstrc" ".config/nvim/init.vim" |
11 |
+ ".config/nvim/colors/nvim_desert.vim") |
11 | 12 |
declare -i dry_run=0 |
12 | 13 |
13 | 14 |
## exit the shell (with status 2) after printing the message |
... | ... |
@@ -88,10 +89,30 @@ else |
88 | 89 |
echo No change to the .vim/ directories. |
89 | 90 |
fi |
90 | 91 |
91 |
-# Make a directory for vim undo |
92 |
+# TODO: Neovim's plugins go in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ |
93 |
+# https://neovim.io/doc/user/usr_05.html |
94 |
+if ! diff -qr "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin .local/share/nvim/site/plugin > /dev/null ; then |
95 |
+ if [ $dry_run -eq 0 ]; then |
96 |
+ if [ -d "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ ]; then |
97 |
+ mkdir -p "${backup_dir}"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin |
98 |
+ mv "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/* "${backup_dir}"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ |
99 |
+ else |
100 |
+ mkdir -p "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin |
101 |
+ fi |
102 |
+ cp -r .local/share/nvim/site/plugin/* "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ |
103 |
+ fi |
104 |
+ echo Check the plugins in .local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ |
105 |
+else |
106 |
+ echo No change to the .local/share/nvim/site/plugin/ directories. |
107 |
+fi |
108 |
+ |
109 |
+# Make a directory for vim and neovim undo |
92 | 110 |
if [ ! -d "$HOME"/.vim_undo ]; then |
93 | 111 |
((dry_run==0)) && mkdir -p "$HOME"/.vim_undo |
94 | 112 |
fi |
113 |
+if [ ! -d "$HOME"/.nvim_undo ]; then |
114 |
+ ((dry_run==0)) && mkdir -p "$HOME"/.nvim_undo |
115 |
+fi |
95 | 116 |
96 | 117 |
# I have device local secrets in .localrc and a github secret in .gitconfig.local |
97 | 118 |
for i in ".gitconfig.local" ".localrc" |
98 | 119 |