dblume commited on 2023-06-18 19:08:10
Showing 1 changed files, with 1 additions and 1 deletions.
... | ... |
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ function! GitLog() |
260 | 260 |
endif |
261 | 261 |
let l:bufname = 'git log -- ' . l:fname |
262 | 262 |
if !ShowBufInNewTab(l:bufname) |
263 |
- exec 'tabnew | r! git log --no-color --graph --date=short --pretty="format:\%h \%ad \%s \%an \%d" -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
263 |
+ exec 'tabnew | r! git log --no-color --graph --date=short --all --pretty="format:\%h \%ad \%s \%an \%d" -- ' . shellescape(l:fname) |
264 | 264 |
setl buftype=nofile |
265 | 265 |
0d_ |
266 | 266 |
exec 'silent :file ' . fnameescape(l:bufname) |
267 | 267 |