dblume commited on 2021-12-13 14:58:02
Showing 1 changed files, with 2 additions and 3 deletions.
... | ... |
@@ -28,17 +28,16 @@ function! s:gotoline() |
28 | 28 |
29 | 29 |
if filereadable(file_name) |
30 | 30 |
let l:bufn = bufnr("%") |
31 |
- exec ":bwipeout " l:bufn |
32 | 31 |
33 |
- exec "keepalt edit " . file_name |
32 |
+ exec "keepalt edit " . fnameescape(file_name) |
34 | 33 |
exec ":" . line_num |
35 | 34 |
exec "normal! " . col_num . '|' |
36 | 35 |
if foldlevel(line_num) > 0 |
37 | 36 |
exec "normal! zv" |
38 | 37 |
endif |
39 | 38 |
40 |
- |
41 | 39 |
exec "normal! zz" |
40 |
+ exec ":bwipeout " l:bufn |
42 | 41 |
endif |
43 | 42 |
44 | 43 |
endfunction |
45 | 44 |