Vim to match nvim's visual P

dblume commited on 2024-09-06 21:43:26
Showing 1 changed files, with 3 additions and 0 deletions.

Neovim's visual-mode P (put before cursor) doesn't yank to the
unnamed register. This is useful for when you want to put the same
yanked text multiple times.
... ...
@@ -248,6 +248,9 @@ vnoremap <leader>s :sort<cr>
248 248
 vnoremap < <gv
249 249
 vnoremap > >gv
250 250
+" Matches neovim (nvim), where P does not yank to unnamed register
+vnoremap P "_dP
251 254
 " If too many file system events are getting triggered.
252 255
 set nobackup       " ~ files
253 256
 set nowritebackup  " Don't write buff to temp, delete orig, rename temp to orig
254 257