# dotfiles (home directory .files) These are some of David Blume's dot files to be installed in new user home directories. ### Getting the project You can get a copy of this project by clicking on the [ZIP](http://git.dlma.com/dotfiles.git/zipball/master) or [TAR](http://git.dlma.com/dotfiles.git/tarball/master) buttons near the top right of the GitList web page. You can clone from the origin with: git clone ssh://USERNAME@dlma.com/~/git/dotfiles.git ### Installation Run the following: ~$ mkdir dotfiles ~$ cd dotfiles dotfiles$ curl -L http://git.dlma.com/dotfiles.git/tarball/master > dotfiles.tar dotfiles$ tar -xvf dotfiles.tar dotfiles$ rm dotfiles.tar dotfiles$ chmod +x setup.sh Then, then you run setup.sh, it'll backup your old files to "backup_of_orig_dotfiles". dotfiles$ ./setup.sh And see [config.dlma.com](http://config.dlma.com) for more. #### What's installed 1. .bashrc and .bash_profile 2. Vim resources 1. .vimrc 2. An empty .vim_undo directory 3. .vim with the following plugins: 1. [pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen). 2. [bbye for :Bdelete](https://github.com/moll/vim-bbye). 3. [nerdtree](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree). 4. [taglist](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273). 5. [vim-powerline](https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline). 6. Assorted favorite colors like [desert](https://github.com/dblume/desert.vim). 3. .gitconfig (but it needs vimdiff and github settings.) #### What's not installed 1. Private or public keys, get those from the USB4 bioport in the back of your neck. ### Is it any good? [Yes](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3067434). ### License This software uses the [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/).