A PHP implementation of a rudimentary key/value server.

David Blume David Blume first commit f139b09 @ 2016-09-10 20:25:26
.htaccess first commit 2016-09-10 20:25:26
LICENSE.txt first commit 2016-09-10 20:25:26
README.md first commit 2016-09-10 20:25:26
config.php.sample first commit 2016-09-10 20:25:26
index.php first commit 2016-09-10 20:25:26

Key Value Store

kvs is a rudimentary key/value store written in PHP.

Getting the project

You can get a copy of this project by clicking on the ZIP or TAR buttons near the top right of the GitList web page.

If you're me, and you want to contribute to the repo, then you can clone it like so:

git clone ssh://USERNAME@dlma.com/~/git/kvs-php.git

Building it

  1. Ensure your server's version of PHP supports PDO and SQLite.
  2. Move config.php.sample to config.php, and replace replaceme with a passcode you choose.
  3. Optional: Use secure HTTP. I recommend getting a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Using it

Here is a live instance that serves an index page. You can send a key to get a value like so:


Special use case, here's how to get the value for the most-recently updated key of a list of keys. The list could contain any number of keys, but only one value will be returned.


Here's the recipe for a cURL command to store a new value for a key:

curl --data "key=value&auth={authorization}" https://{url}

Here's the source code for a Roku channel client of such a service.

Is it any good?



This software uses the MIT license.