from datetime import timedelta # Set this to the language you want to use. LANG = "en" # Singular and plural forms of time units in your language. unit_names = dict( en = {"year" : ("year", "years"), "month" : ("month", "months"), "week" : ("week", "weeks"), "day" : ("day", "days"), "hour" : ("hour", "hours"), "minute" : ("minute", "minutes"), "second" : ("second", "seconds")}) num_repr = dict( en = {1 : "a", 2 : "two", 3 : "three", 4 : "four", 5 : "five", 6 : "six", 7 : "seven", 8 : "eight", 9 : "nine", 10 : "ten", 11 : "eleven", 12 : "twelve"}) def amount_to_str(amount, unit_name): if amount == 1 and unit_name == "hour" and LANG == "en": return "an" if amount in num_repr[LANG]: return num_repr[LANG][amount] return str(amount) def seconds_in_units(seconds): """ Returns a tuple containing the most appropriate unit for the number of seconds supplied and the value in that units form. >>> seconds_in_units(7700) (2, 'hour') """ unit_limits = [("year", 365 * 24 * 3600), ("month", 30 * 24 * 3600), ("week", 7 * 24 * 3600), ("day", 24 * 3600), ("hour", 3600), ("minute", 60)] for unit_name, limit in unit_limits: if seconds >= limit * 0.94: amount = int(round(float(seconds) / limit)) return amount, unit_name return seconds, "second" def stringify(td): """ Converts a timedelta into a nicely readable string. >>> td = timedelta(days = 77, seconds = 5) >>> print readable_timedelta(td) two months """ seconds = td.days * 3600 * 24 + td.seconds amount, unit_name = seconds_in_units(seconds) # Localize it. i18n_amount = amount_to_str(amount, unit_name) i18n_unit = unit_names[LANG][unit_name][1] if amount == 1: i18n_unit = unit_names[LANG][unit_name][0] return "%s %s" % (i18n_amount, i18n_unit) def test(td): if td.days > 100: fmt = "In %s, it's a long time. (%s)" elif td.days > 4: fmt = "I've only got %s to finish the project. (%s)" elif td.days > 0: fmt = "The party was %s ago. (%s)" elif td.seconds > 3600: fmt = "Something weird happened %s ago. (%s)" elif td.seconds > 60: fmt = "The train arrives in %s. (%s)" else: fmt = "%s passes fast. (%s)" print fmt % (stringify(td), str(td)) def main(): global LANG LANG = "en" test(timedelta(weeks = 7, days = 3)) test(timedelta(weeks = 1)) test(timedelta(days = 1000)) test(timedelta(days = 400)) test(timedelta(days = 4)) test(timedelta(seconds = 2000)) test(timedelta(seconds = 9888)) test(timedelta(seconds = 999888)) test(timedelta(seconds = 999)) test(timedelta(seconds = 99)) test(timedelta(seconds = 45)) test(timedelta(seconds = 3)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()