A Python 3 script that uses gnuplot, matplotlib and Google Charts to make histograms.
README.md | Update http to https in README.md | 2023-03-16 08:15:46 |
make_chart.py | Minor type hint changes. | 2020-12-30 22:35:20 |
This is a sample Python 3 script that generates a chart a few different ways.
You can get a copy of this project by clicking on the ZIP or TAR buttons near the top right of the GitList web page.
You can clone from the origin with:
git clone ssh://USERNAME@dlma.com/~/git/make_chart.git
You specify one of four renderers, and it analyzes (currently) some hardcoded data..
Here's the help text:
usage: make_chart.py [-h] [-r {none,gnuplot,matplotlib,google}]
Makes histograms from raw samples or prepared buckets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r {none,gnuplot,matplotlib,google}, --renderer {none,gnuplot,matplotlib,google}
Choose a renderer: summary only, text, png, or
40 +-------------------------------------------------------+
| + * * + + + + + + |
| * * Pizzas ***A*** |
35 |-+ * * +-|
| A * median = 80.00 |
30 |-+ * A*** mean = 81.67 sdev=38.09 +-|
| * A** |
| * A*** |
25 |-+ A A** +-|
| * A*** |
20 |-+* A** +-|
| * |
| * A*** |
15 |-* A** +-|
| * A*** |
|* A** |
10 |*+ A +-|
| * |
5 |-+ * +-|
| * |
| + + + + + + + A |
0 +-------------------------------------------------------+
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180