# testcode This is just a test project. You can do anything here, test g++, make, cmake, git, cscope, and IDE projects. # Getting the project You can get a copy of this project by clicking on the [ZIP](http://git.dlma.com/testcode.git/zipball/master) or [TAR](http://git.dlma.com/testcode.git/tarball/master) buttons near the top right of the GitList web page. You can clone from the origin with: git clone ssh://USERNAME@dlma.com/~/git/testcode.git ## Current Features * Multiple directories for testing build systems and IDEs * "make" essentially works. ## Is it any good? [Yes](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3067434). ## To Do * Compare make vs. cmake vs. autotools * Experiment with ctags generation