A test Roku channel.


dxb Channel

dxb Channel is a test channel for Roku devices. It uses SceneGraph and the BrightScript language.

Getting The Channel

This is the private channel code: dxb

Clicking the link will take you directly to a confirmation page for getting the channel.


dxb channel screenshot

Getting the project

You can get a copy of this project by clicking on the ZIP or TAR buttons near the top right of the GitList web page.

If you're me, and you want to contribute to the repo, then you can clone it like so:

git clone ssh://USERNAME@dlma.com/~/git/dxb_channel.git

Building it

Ensure you can sideload a dev channel.


Running make will build and deploy if you have $ROKU_DEV_TARGET set.



See the "build_systems" command in dxb_channel.sublime-project to see how the channel is zipped and deployed.


The code in components/testtask.brs is run every time the OK button is pressed (while the "Test Output" pane has focus). That's a good place to experiment with new code.

Is it any good?



This software uses the MIT license.