David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

1) #!/usr/bin/env python
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

2) #
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

3) # Testing without affecting the yaml file and saving the updated one aside:
4) # cp techcrunch.yaml techcrunch.yaml_back; ./techcrunch.py; \
5) # cp techcrunch.yaml techcrunch_tmp.yaml; cp techcrunch.yaml_back techcrunch.yaml
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

6) import feedparser
7) import yaml
8) import sys
9) import os
10) import time
11) import StringIO
12) import codecs
13) import traceback
14) import calendar
15) import pickle
16) import exceptions
17) import urllib
18) import urllib2
19) import httplib
20) import shutil
21) import glob
22) import smtplib
23) import analysis
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

24) import json
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

25) import xml
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

26) import operator
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

27) import cgi
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

28) import smtp_creds  # Your own credentials, used in send_email()
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

30) debug = True
31) any_entry_added = False
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

32) tags_to_post = {'apple', 'google'}
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

33) authors_to_post = ['michael arrington',]
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

35) # TODO 2018-01-18: Maybe combine fb_likes with bf_shares or something...
36) rhs_metric = 'fb_likes'
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

37) rhs_metric_times = 'comment_times'
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

39) localdir = ''
41) html_head = """
42) <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>
43) <HTML><HEAD>
44)   <title>TechCrunch Feed Filter</title>
45)   <!-- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed" href="http://techcrunch.dlma.com/rss_feed.xml" /> -->
46)   <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/TrendingAtTechcrunch" />
47)   <style type="text/css">
48)     body { font-family: "Arial", san-serif; }
49)     .author { font-size: smaller; }
50)     .h3 { font-size: larger; }
51)     a { text-decoration: none; }
52)     /* table { border: none; border-collapse:collapse; font-size: large } */
53)     table { border-collapse: collapse; }
54)     table.legend { border:1px solid LightSlateGray; font-size: medium; border-collapse:separated; }
55)     table.legend th { border: 1px solid LightSlateGray; background-color: #E0E0E0; }
56)     table.legend td { border: 1px solid LightSlateGray; }
57)     tr.even { background:#%s; padding: 2em; }
58)     tr.odd { background:#%s; padding-bottom: 2em; }
59)   </style>
60) </HEAD>
61) <BODY>
62) <div align='center'><h3>TechCrunch Feed Filter</h3></div>
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

63) This page shows what analysis is done to filter the noise away from the Techcrunch feed into <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/TrendingAtTechcrunch">a more concise feed</a>. <a href="http://david.dlma.com/blog/my-techcrunch-feed-filter">Learn more about the Feed Filter</a>.<br /><br />
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

64) """
66) html_footer = """
67) </table>
68) </div><br />
69) <div align='center'>Thanks to <a href="http://www.feedparser.org/">The Universal Feed Parser module</a>,
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

70) <a href="http://pyyaml.org/">PyYAML</a> and <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/chart/">Google Charts</a>.<br /><a href="techcrunch.yaml">raw data</a> &bull; <a href="stats.txt">status</a><br />&copy; 2011 <a href="http://david.dlma.com">David Blume</a></div><br />
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

71) </BODY>
72) </HTML>
73) """
75) img_width = 300
76) img_height = 50
78) series_1_color = "0000FF"
79) series_2_color = "00AA00"
80) threshold_color = "FF8C00"
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

81) tag_color = "F01000"
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

83) even_background = "F8F8F8"
84) odd_background = "E8E8E8"
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

86) even_watermark = "E0E0FF"
87) odd_watermark = "D0D0F0"
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

90) def asciiize(s):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

91)     try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

92)         return s.encode('ascii')
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

93)     except UnicodeEncodeError:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

94)         return s
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

95)     except exceptions.AttributeError:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

96)         return s
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

99) def send_email(subject, message, toaddrs,
100)         fromaddr='"%s" <%s>' % (os.path.basename(__file__), smtp_creds.user)):
101)     """ Sends Email """
102)     smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_creds.server, port=smtp_creds.port)
103)     smtp.login(smtp_creds.user, smtp_creds.passw)
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

104)     smtp.sendmail(fromaddr,
105)                   toaddrs,
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

106)                   "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\"\r\nFrom: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n%s" % \
107)                   (fromaddr, ", ".join(toaddrs), subject, message))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

108)     smtp.quit()
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

111) def index_id(a_list, op, elem):
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

112)     try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

113)         return (index for index, item in enumerate(a_list) if op(item, elem)).next()
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

114)     except:
115)         return -1
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

118) def make_chart_url(time_posted, lhs_times, lhs_values, rhs_times,
119)                    rhs_values, threshold_value, is_odd_row, tag_hit):
120) #    lhs_times, lhs_values = zip(*comments)
121) #    rhs_times, rhs_values = zip(*rhs)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

123)     if not len(lhs_times):
124)         lhs_times = [time_posted,]
125)     if not len(lhs_values):
126)         lhs_values = [0,]
127)     if not len(rhs_times):
128)         rhs_times = [time_posted,]
129)     if not len(rhs_values):
130)         rhs_values = [0,]
132)     lhs_times = [(i - time_posted) / 1800 for i in lhs_times]
133)     rhs_times = [(i - time_posted) / 1800 for i in rhs_times]
135)     max_comment_time = max(lhs_times)
136)     max_comment_value = max(lhs_values)
137)     max_rhs_time = max(rhs_times)
138)     max_rhs_value = max(rhs_values)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

140)     met_threshold_pt = -1
141)     if threshold_value != -1:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

142)         met_threshold_pt = index_id(rhs_values, operator.ge, threshold_value)
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

143)         if met_threshold_pt == -1 or tag_hit:
144)             # This can happen if threshold_value was set to a number
145)             # because the author or a tag was matched, but the article
146)             # was unpopular. We choose to put a marker at point index 0.
147)             met_threshold_pt = 0
149)     if is_odd_row != 0:
150)         bg_color = even_background
151)         watermark_color = even_watermark
152)     else:
153)         bg_color = odd_background
154)         watermark_color = odd_watermark
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

156)     if len(lhs_values) < 8 and len(lhs_values) > 1:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

157)         # max_comment_value *= 2
158)         pass
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

159)     elif len(lhs_values) == 1:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

160)         min_comment_value = 0
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

161)     if len(rhs_values) < 8 and len(rhs_values) > 1:
162)         # max_rhs_value *= 2
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

163)         pass
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

164)     elif len(rhs_values) == 1:
165)         min_rhs_value = 0
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

167)     min_comment_value = 0
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

168)     min_rhs_value = 0
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

170)     chart_url = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=lxy&chco=%s,%s&chs=%dx%d&chxs=0,%s|1,%s" % \
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

171)                 (series_1_color, series_2_color, img_width, img_height, series_1_color, series_2_color)
172)     chart_url += "&chd=t:%s|%s|%s|%s" % (','.join([str(n) for n in lhs_times]),
173)                                          ','.join([str(n) for n in lhs_values]),
174)                                          ','.join([str(n) for n in rhs_times]),
175)                                          ','.join([str(n) for n in rhs_values]))
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

176)     # TODO: Consider watermark levels, like:
177)     # chm=h,B0B0B0,1,0.3,1|r,E0E0E0,0,0,0.5
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

178)     if max_rhs_value > 0:
179)         threshold_percent = max(0, min((float(threshold_value) / max_rhs_value) - 0.01, 1.0))
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

180)     else:
181)         threshold_percent = 1.0
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

182)     chart_url += "&chm=r,%s,0,0,%1.3f" % (watermark_color, threshold_percent)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

183)     if met_threshold_pt != -1:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

184)         if tag_hit:
185)             dot_color = tag_color
186)             dot_shape = 'd'
187)         else:
188)             dot_color = threshold_color
189)             dot_shape = 'o'
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

190)         chart_url += "|%s,%s,1,%d,10" % (dot_shape, dot_color, met_threshold_pt)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

191)     chart_url += "&chxt=y,r&chxl=0:|%d|%d|1:|%d|%d&chds=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % \
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

192)                  (min_comment_value, max_comment_value, min_rhs_value, max_rhs_value,
193)                   0, max(7, max_comment_time),
194)                   min_comment_value, max_comment_value,
195)                   0, max(7, max_rhs_time),
196)                   min_comment_value, max_rhs_value)
197)     chart_url += "&chf=bg,s,%s&chdl=comments|shares" % (bg_color,)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

198)     return chart_url
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

201) def process_feed(yaml_items):
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

202)     """Retrieve the url and process it.
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

203)     feed_info (in, out) A tuple that describes an individual feed, like its name and etag.
204)     """
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

205)     feed = feedparser.parse('http://feeds.feedburner.com/TechCrunch')
206)     if hasattr(feed, 'status'):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

207)         if feed.status == 304:
208)             pass
209)         else:
210)             if feed.status != 200 and feed.status != 307 and feed.status != 301 and feed.status != 302:
211)                 if feed.status == 503:
212)                     print "the feed is temporarily unavailable."
213)                 elif feed.status == 400:
214)                     print "the feed says we made a bad request."
215)                 elif feed.status == 502:
216)                     print "the feed reported a bad gateway error."
217)                 elif feed.status == 404:
218)                     print "the feed says the page was not found."
219)                 elif feed.status == 500:
220)                     print "the feed had an internal server error."
221)                 elif feed.status == 403:
222)                     print "Access to the feed was forbidden."
223)                 else:
224)                     print "the feed returned feed.status %d." % ( feed.status, )
225)             else:
226)                 # Save off this
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

227)                 if hasattr(feed, 'bozo_exception') and isinstance(feed.bozo_exception, xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException):
228)                     print "Didn't pickle TechCrunch feed because it had a bozo_exception: %s" % (str(feed.bozo_exception))
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

229)                 else:
230)                     try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

231)                         with open(os.path.join(localdir, 'techcrunch_feed.pickle'), 'wb') as f:
232)                             pickle.dump(feed, f)
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

233)                     except(pickle.PicklingError, exceptions.TypeError) as e:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

234)                         print "An error occurred while pickling the feed: %s." % \
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

235)                               (# str(e.__class__),
236)                                str(e))
237)                         traceback.print_exc(3, file=sys.stdout)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

239)             for i in reversed(feed.entries):
240)                 process_item(i, yaml_items)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

242)             # If we have more than 200 items, remove the old ones.
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

243)             while len(yaml_items) > 200:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

244)                 yaml_items.pop()
246)             for i in yaml_items:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

247)                 # i['title'] = asciiize(i['title'])
248)                 # i['tags'] = map(asciiize, i['tags'])
249)                 process_yaml_item(i)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

251)     else:
252)         if hasattr(feed, 'bozo_exception'):
253)             e = feed.bozo_exception
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

254)             if isinstance(e, urllib2.URLError):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

255)                 print_last_line = True
256)                 if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
257)                     if e.reason[0] == 110:
258)                         print "the feed's connection timed out."
259)                         print_last_line = False
260)                     elif e.reason[0] == 111:
261)                         print "the feed's connection was refused."
262)                         print_last_line = False
263)                     elif e.reason[0] == 104:
264)                         print "the feed reset the connection."
265)                         print_last_line = False
266)                     else:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

267)                         print "the feed had a URLError with reason %s." % (str(e.reason),)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

268)                         print_last_line = False
269)                 if print_last_line:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

270)                     print "the feed had a URLError %s" % (str(e),)
271)             elif isinstance(e, httplib.BadStatusLine):
272)                 print "the feed gave a bad status line. (%s)" % (str(e),)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

273)             else:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

274)                 if len(str(e)):
275)                     print "the feed bozo_exception: %s \"%s\"" % (str(e.__class__), str(e))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

276)                 else:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

277)                     print "the feed bozo_exception: %s %s" % (str(e.__class__), repr(e))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

278)         else:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

279)             print "the feed returned class %s, %s" % (str(feed.__class__), str(feed))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

282) def process_item(feed_item, yaml_items):
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

283)     """Processes an RSS feed item, and converts it to a YAML item"""
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

284)     # Get the time
285)     global any_entry_added
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

286)     timecode_now = int(time.time())
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

287)     date_parsed = time.gmtime()
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

288)     if hasattr(feed_item, 'issued_parsed'):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

289)         date_parsed = feed_item.issued_parsed
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

290)     elif hasattr(feed_item, 'date_parsed'):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

291)         date_parsed = feed_item.date_parsed
292)     else:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

293)         print "process_item found no timestamp for", asciiize(feed_item.link)
294)     timecode_parsed = calendar.timegm(date_parsed)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

296)     link = feed_item.link
297)     if hasattr(feed_item, 'feedburner_origlink'):
298)         link = feed_item.feedburner_origlink
300)     # TODO 2018-01-18: Leave in the ncid for URL clicks, but remove during processing.
301) #    suffix_to_remove = '?ncid=rss'
302) #    if link.endswith(suffix_to_remove):
303) #        link = link[:-len(suffix_to_remove)]
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

305)     # Look for i.feedburner_origlink in yaml_items
306)     yaml_item = None
307)     for i in yaml_items:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

308)         if link == i['link']:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

309)             yaml_item = i
310)             break
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

311)     if yaml_item is None:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

312)         author = ''
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

313)         if hasattr(feed_item, 'author'):
314)             author = asciiize(feed_item.author)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

316)         # Make a new yaml_item
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

317)         yaml_item = {'title'               : asciiize(feed_item.title),
318)                      'link'                : asciiize(link),
319)                      'author'              : author,
320)                      'tags'                : [],
321)                      'orig_posted'         : timecode_parsed,
322)                      'qualified'           : -1,
323)                      'comment_times'       : [],
324)                      'fb_comments'         : [],
325)                      'fb_shares'           : [],
326)                      'fb_likes'            : [],
327)                      'slash_comment_times' : [],
328)                      'slash_comments'      : []
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

329)                     }
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

330)         if hasattr(feed_item, 'tags'):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

331)             for i in feed_item.tags:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

332)                 yaml_item['tags'].append(asciiize(i.term))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

334)         yaml_items.insert(0, yaml_item)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

335)         any_entry_added = True
337)     # Maybe check to ensure that this item isn't too old.
338)     if timecode_parsed < timecode_now - 60 * 30 * 9:
339)         return
341)     # Now, add the new values
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

342)     if hasattr(feed_item, 'slash_comments') and len(yaml_item['slash_comments']) < 8:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

343)         any_entry_added = True
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

344)         yaml_item['slash_comment_times'].append(timecode_now)
345)         yaml_item['slash_comments'].append(int(feed_item.slash_comments))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

348) def process_yaml_item(yaml_item):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

349)     global any_entry_added
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

351)     # Related to TODO 2018-01-18: Remove ncid only during processing.
352)     link = yaml_item['link']
353)     suffix_to_remove = '?ncid=rss'
354)     # Maybe we should find() it instead, in case feedburner adds other options
355)     if link.endswith(suffix_to_remove):
356)         link = link[:-len(suffix_to_remove)]
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

358)     timecode_now = int(time.time())
359)     if len(yaml_item['fb_comments']) < 8:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

360)         num_shares, num_comments, num_likes = Get_fb_stats(link)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

361)         if num_comments != -1:
362)             any_entry_added = True
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

363)             yaml_item['comment_times'].append(timecode_now)
364)             yaml_item['fb_shares'].append(num_shares)
365)             yaml_item['fb_comments'].append(num_comments)
366)             yaml_item['fb_likes'].append(num_likes)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

368) #    if len(yaml_item['reddit_']) < 8:
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

369) #        num_ = get_reddit_stats(link)
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

370) #        if num_ != -1:
371) #            any_entry_added = True
372) #            yaml_item['reddit_times'].append(timecode_now)
373) #            yaml_item['reddit_'].append(num_)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

376) def get_reddit_stats(url_string):
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

377)     """ Consider curl "https://www.reddit.com/api/info.json?url=http://i.imgur.com/HG9dJ.jpg"
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

378)     """
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

379)     return -1
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

382) def Get_fb_stats(url_string):
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

383)     """Use graph's "engagement" field to get reactions and shares."""
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

384)     shares = -1
385)     comments = -1
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

386)     likes = -1
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

388)     url_string = url_string.encode('utf-8')
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

390)     try:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

391)         encoded = urllib.urlencode({'access_token': facebook_token})
392)         url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.11/?id=%s&fields=engagement&%s'
393)         f = urllib2.urlopen(url % (urllib.quote_plus(url_string), encoded))
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

394)         data = f.read()
395)         f.close()
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

396)     except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.BadStatusLine) as e:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

397)         if hasattr(e, 'reason'): # URLError
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

398)             if hasattr(e, 'code'):
399)                 print "Get_fb_stats got an error (1):", e.code, e.reason, url_string
400)             else:
401)                 print "Get_fb_stats got an error (2):", e.reason, url_string
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

402)         elif hasattr(e, 'code'): #URLError
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

403)             print "Get_fb_stats got an error. Code:", e.code, url_string
404)         else:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

405)             print "Get_fb_stats got an error (3):", str(e)
406)         return shares, comments, likes
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

407)     if len(data) > 20:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

408)         d = json.loads(data)['engagement']
409)         try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

410)             shares = d['share_count']
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

411)         except KeyError:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

412)             shares = 0
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

414)         try:
415)             likes = d['reaction_count']
416)         except KeyError:
417)             likes = 0
419)         # TODO 2018-01-18: og_object metric was likes + shares + comments
420)         # Here we'll combine likes and shares, and comments with plugin_comments
421)         likes += shares
423)         try:
424)             comments = d['comment_plugin_count'] + d['comment_count']
425)         except KeyError:
426)             comments = 0
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

427)     else:
428)         print "Get_fb_stats got too little data for ",  url_string
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

429)     return shares, comments, likes
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

432) def save_image(url_string, file_path):
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

433)     try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

434)         f = urllib2.urlopen(url_string)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

435)         data = f.read()
436)         f.close()
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

437)     except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.BadStatusLine) as e:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

438)         if hasattr(e, 'reason'): # URLError
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

439)             print "save_image: Error attempting to create", file_path[file_path.rfind('/')+1:], "Reason:", e.reason
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

440)         elif hasattr(e, 'code'): # URLError
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

441)             print "save_image: Error attempting to create", file_path[file_path.rfind('/')+1:], "Code:", e.code
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

442)         else:
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

443)             print "save_image: Error from urlopen", e
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

444)         return url_string
David Blume 2013-08-04: Miscellaneous c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

446)     if len(data) > 50:
447)         with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
448)             f.write(data)
449)         return 'cache/' + os.path.basename(file_path)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

450)     return url_string
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

453) def make_index_html(yaml_items, weekend_stats, weekday_stats):
454)     """Writes a static index.html file from the YAML items."""
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

455)     cur_time = int(time.time())
456)     new_index_fullpath = os.path.join(localdir, 'index.html_new')
457)     index_fullpath = os.path.join(localdir, 'index.html')
458)     cache_path = os.path.join(localdir, 'cache')
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

460)     files_to_delete = glob.glob(os.path.join(cache_path, '*.png'))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

462)     with codecs.open(new_index_fullpath, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
463)         f.write(html_head % (even_background, odd_background))
465)         f.write('<div align="center">\n<table class="legend">\n<tr><th></th><th>Median</th><th>Mean</th><th>Std. Dev</th><th>Threshold</th></tr>\n')
466)         f.write('<tr><th>Weekday</th><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td></tr>\n' % (weekday_stats[2][0], weekday_stats[2][1], weekday_stats[2][2], weekday_stats[2][1] + weekday_stats[2][2]))
467)         f.write('<tr><th>Weekend</th><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td><td>%1.1f</td></tr>\n' % (weekend_stats[2][0], weekend_stats[2][1], weekend_stats[2][2], weekend_stats[2][1] + weekend_stats[2][2]))
468)         f.write('</table></div>\n<br />\n')
470)         f.write('<div align="center">\n<table>\n')
471)         for image_index, image in enumerate(yaml_items[:40]):
472)             tag_hit = False
473)             if image['author'].lower() in authors_to_post:
474)                 tag_hit = True
475)             elif len(set([j.lower() for j in image['tags']]) & tags_to_post) > 0:
476)                 tag_hit = True
477)             chart_url = make_chart_url(image['orig_posted'],
478)                                        image['comment_times'],
479)                                        image['fb_comments'],
480)                                        image[rhs_metric_times],
481)                                        image[rhs_metric],
482)                                        image['qualified'],
483)                                        image_index % 2,
484)                                        tag_hit
485)                                       )
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

486)             image_url = save_image(chart_url, os.path.join(cache_path, '%d_%d.png' % (cur_time, image_index)))
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

487)             f.write('<tr valign="center" class="%s">\n  <td><strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> <span class="author">by %s</span></td>\n' % \
488)                      (image_index % 2 and "even" or "odd",
489)                       image['link'],
490)                       image['title'].encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'),
491)                       image['author'].encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'),
492)                      )
493)                    )
494)             f.write('  <td>%s<td>\n' % (image['qualified'] != -1 and '<img src="star_30.png" width="30" height="29" />' or ''))
495)             f.write('  <td><img src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" border="0" /></td></tr>\n' % \
496)                      (image_url,
497)                       img_width,
498)                       img_height
499)                      )
500)                    )
501)         f.write(html_footer)
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

503)     if os.path.exists(index_fullpath):
504)         os.unlink(index_fullpath)
505)     shutil.move(new_index_fullpath, index_fullpath)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

506)     for fname in files_to_delete:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

507)         os.unlink(fname)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

510) def make_feed_file(yaml_items):
511)     """Writes the RSS feed file with the YAML items."""
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

512)     with codecs.open(os.path.join(localdir, 'rss_feed.xml'), 'wb', 'utf-8') as f:
513)         f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<rss version=\"2.0\">\n<channel>\n<title>Trending at TechCrunch</title><link>http://techcrunch.dlma.com</link>")
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

514)         f.write("<pubDate>%s</pubDate><description>Automatically Generated Feed</description><language>en-us</language>\n" % (time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())))
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

515)         count = 0
516)         for item in yaml_items:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

517)             now = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(item['orig_posted']))
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

518)             if item['qualified'] != -1:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

519)                 escaped_title = cgi.escape(item['title']).encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
520)                 escaped_author = cgi.escape(item['author']).encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
521)                 f.write("<item><title>%s</title><pubDate>%s</pubDate><link>%s</link><guid isPermaLink=\"false\">%s</guid><description><![CDATA[By: %s]]></description></item>\n" % \
522)                          (escaped_title, now, item['link'], item['link'], escaped_author))
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

523)                 count += 1
524)                 if count > 14:
525)                     break
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

526)         f.write("</channel></rss>")
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

529) if __name__=='__main__':
530)     start_time = time.time()
531)     progress_text = []
533)     old_stdout = sys.stdout
534)     old_stderr = sys.stderr
535)     sys.stdout = sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
537)     try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

538)         localdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

539)         #
540)         # Read in techcrunch.yaml
541)         #
542)         # [ { 'title'               : 'Title Text',
543)         #     'link'                : u'http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/17/google-buzz-who-to-follow/',
544)         #     'author'              : u'MG Siegler',
545)         #     'orig_posted'         : 1282197199
546)         #     'tags'                : [ u'Google', u'privacy' ]
547)         #     'qualified'           : -1
548)         #     'comment_times'       : [ 1282197199, 1282197407 ]
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

549)         #     'fb_comments'         : [ 0, 5 ]
550)         #     'fb_shares'           : [ 0, 300 ]
551)         #     'fb_likes'            : [ 0, 19 ]
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

552)         #     'slash_comment_times' : [ 1282197199, 1282197407 ]
553)         #     'slash_comments'      : [ 0, 5 ]
554)         #    },
555)         #    { ... }
556)         #  ]
557)         #
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

558)         yaml_fullpath = os.path.join(localdir, 'techcrunch.yaml')
559)         if os.path.exists(yaml_fullpath):
560)             with open(yaml_fullpath, 'rb') as f:
561)                 items = yaml.load(f)
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

562)                 if items is None:
563)                     print yaml_fullpath, "exists, but was empty."
564)                     items = []
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

566)                 # Do any dictionary item updating that might be necessary
567) #                for item in items:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

568) #                    if not item.has_key('fb_shares'):
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

569) #                        item['fb_shares'] = []
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

570)         else:
571)             print "could not open", yaml_fullpath
572)             items = []
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

574)         with open(os.path.join(localdir, 'facebook-token.txt'), 'r') as f:
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

575)             facebook_token = f.read()
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

577)         progress_text = ["read techcrunch.yaml"]
578)         process_feed(items)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

580)         #
581)         # If any work was done, then write files.
582)         #
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

583)         if any_entry_added:
David Blume Better conformance to PEP-8...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

584)             weekend_stats, weekday_stats = analysis.process_feed(items, rhs_metric, rhs_metric_times)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

586)             # We'll only look at the stats for the time 1:00 to 1:30 after posting.
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

587)             weekend_median, weekend_mean, weekend_sigma = weekend_stats[2]
588)             weekend_threshold = weekend_mean + weekend_sigma
589)             weekday_median, weekday_mean, weekday_sigma = weekday_stats[2]
590)             weekday_threshold = weekday_mean + weekday_sigma
591)             for item in items:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

592)                 wday = time.localtime(item['orig_posted']).tm_wday
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

593)                 if wday == 5 or wday == 6:
594)                     threshold = weekend_threshold
595)                 else:
596)                     threshold = weekday_threshold
597)                 if item['qualified'] == -1:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

598)                     for i in range(len(item[rhs_metric_times])):
599)                         r_time = item[rhs_metric_times][i]
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

600)                         if r_time - item['orig_posted'] < 5400:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

601)                             if item[rhs_metric][i] >= threshold:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

602)                                 item['qualified'] = threshold
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

603)                             if r_time - item['orig_posted'] >= 3600:
604)                                 break
606)             # Automatically add those items whose authors and tags I like
607)             for item in items:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

608)                 if item['qualified'] == -1 and len(item[rhs_metric_times]) > 0:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

609)                     if item['author'].lower() in authors_to_post:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

610)                         item['qualified'] = threshold
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

611)                     elif len(set([j.lower() for j in item['tags']]) & tags_to_post) > 0:
David Blume 2011-02-04: Update to the c...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

612)                         item['qualified'] = threshold
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

614)             #
615)             # Write out the updated yaml file.
616)             #
David Blume 2011-02-04: Algorithm chang...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

618)             # For the one file we really use, write to a file on the side, then move it.
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

619)             yaml_newfile_fullpath = os.path.join(localdir, 'techcrunch_temp_writable.yaml')
620)             with open(yaml_newfile_fullpath, 'wb') as f:
621)                 yaml.dump(items, f, width=120)
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

622)             try:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

623)                 os.rename(yaml_newfile_fullpath, yaml_fullpath)
David Blume 2015-11-23: Resync svn with...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

624)             except OSError as e:
625)                 print "The source file was", yaml_newfile_fullpath, "and exists =", os.path.isfile(yaml_newfile_fullpath)
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

626)             with open(os.path.join(localdir, 'techcrunch_text.yaml'), 'w') as f:
627)                 yaml.dump(items, f, width=120)
628)             with codecs.open(os.path.join(localdir, 'techcrunch_unicode.yaml'), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
629)                 yaml.dump(items, f, encoding='utf-8', width=120)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

631)             make_feed_file(items)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

633)             make_index_html(items, weekend_stats, weekday_stats)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

634)         else:
635)             print "No entries were added this time."
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

637)     except Exception as e:
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

638)         exceptional_text = "An exception occurred: " + str(e.__class__) + " " + str(e)
639)         print exceptional_text, ' '.join(progress_text)
640)         traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

641)         try:
David Blume Moved SMTP credentials to s...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

642)             send_email('Exception thrown in techcrunch.py',
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

643)                       exceptional_text + "\n" + traceback.format_exc(),
644)                       ('david.blume@gmail.com',))
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

645)         except Exception as e:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

646)             print "Could not send email to notify you of the exception. :("
648)     message = sys.stdout.getvalue()
649)     sys.stdout = old_stdout
650)     sys.stderr = old_stderr
651)     if not debug:
652)         print message
654)     # Finally, let's save this to a statistics page
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

655)     if os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdir, 'stats.txt')):
656)         with open(os.path.join(localdir, 'stats.txt')) as f:
David Blume Original 2010-09-03 version

David Blume authored 6 years ago

657)             lines = f.readlines()
658)     else:
659)         lines = []
David Blume Catch up to production agai...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

660)     lines = lines[:672] # Just keep the past week's worth
David Blume 2015-11-27: Remove obsolete...

David Blume authored 6 years ago

661)     # status = len(message.strip()) and message.strip().replace('\n', ' - ') or "OK"
662)     status = len(message.strip()) and '\n                       '.join( message.splitlines()) or "OK"
663)     lines.insert(0, "%s %3.0fs %s\n" % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M', time.localtime()), time.time() - start_time, status))
664)     with open(os.path.join(localdir,'stats.txt' ), 'w') as f:
665)         f.writelines(lines)